[WriteLog] RTTY Callsign Database Offer
Don Hill AA5AU
Wed, 4 Sep 2002 13:03:01 -0500
I am now offering my master RTTY callsign database file in ASCII
form. The file comes in zipped form and is called mstrtty.zip. It can
be downloaded off my RTTY page at http://www.aa5au.com/rtty.
Unzipped you will find the file mstrtty.cal which can be used with WF1B
and possibly some other RTTY programs. WriteLog users must use
the file available on my WriteLog website http://www.geocities.com/writelog.
Both files contain the same callsigns. You may need to rename the file to
work with your program. If you wish to use the file as a master database
with WT4I Cabrillo Tools, you will need to rename it master.cal.
The callsigns are from stations worked in RTTY contests for many
years and are an accumulation of lists generated by others, callsigns from
major contest log checkers and my own RTTY contest logs. The file is
regularly checked by Ed, K4SB, against the FCC database and old USA
calls are removed. The present file contains 21,359 callsigns. Because of
the size of the file, it may bog down some DOS programs. Use at your
own risk.
If you are going to be operating CQ/RJ WW RTTY this month using a callsign
that is not included in the file and would like that callsign added, reply to
this E-mail with the callsign and I will add it to the file. To determine if a
certain callsign is in the file, download the ASCII version, unzip the zipped file,
open mstrtty.cal in WordPad and do a search of the callsign with CTRL+F.
If you are going to a DX location for the contest and would like this information
included in next week's VK2SG RTTY DX Notes, let me know I will include
it in the Notes. If you want a call added to the file, but wish to keep your
operation a secret until the contest, I will honor that request as well.
73, Don AA5AU