[WriteLog] Re: Internet Time out
Fab Sarti
Thu, 5 Sep 2002 03:36:33 -0400
> While accessing the Internet for Dx spots, my internet provider (Prodigy)
> will time me out if I show no activity for 30 minutes. I have even set my
> Outlook Mail software to check for email every 5 minutes. I still get timed
> out. Does anyone know of a program that will work with Writelog and DX4WIN
> and keep my on-line account open by sending a carriage return, etc.
> I have a dial up connection with very good connect speed and would like to
> avoid the cost of cable on-line if possible.
The only answer to all your questions is *DX-Telnet*
While linking simultaneously both to DX4WIN and WriteLog
it will keep your connection alive and reconnect
automatically upon unwanted disconnections.
Plus many other fetures.
Check the following links where you will find explanations
on how to link it to DX4WIN and WL.
Best (((73)))
Fab (IK4VYX)
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