[WriteLog] Re: Internet Time out
Fab Sarti
Fri, 6 Sep 2002 05:57:23 -0400
Besides sending a periodic CR or any user selectable fixed
(not random) pattern to fight cluster's idle timeouts
DXTelnet can connect periodically, with random based intervals
to the dxsummit's web site.
I know this is a periodic connection to the same site,
by the way this surely creates random traffic and
I'm sure it works in most of the cases.
In addition you don't have to keep your browser running on background
and the page where DXTelnet sucks the spots from does not
have any "refresh" html tag in it: it is the client
that decides randomly when to reconnect.
Best Regards
Fab (IK4VYX)
> -------Messaggio originale-------
> Da "FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com>
> Data 05/09/2002 16:08:00
> some of the internet clusters and some ISP's have gotten on to the practice
> of sending a CR to simulate activity and reset their 'inactivity' timers.
> they have programmed their systems to detect a pattern of these attempts and
> determine if in fact they are 'keep alive' packets.
> Certain ISP's have even gone so far as to monitor 'email requests' and if
> their is a undue pattern with no email to be recieved, they translate that
> to be 'keep alives' also.
> As most of the 'keep alive' work arounds don't allow for RANDOM attempts,
> the ISP's software can readily detect the patterns for what they are.
> Hence you may get disconnected even with this ruse.
> What MAY work for the time being is a script that requests various URL's
> that you have requested in the past month, and does it with a random time
> and selection factor.
> Of course you would have to have your browser working in the background
> chewing up cpu cycles.
> Hope you find a work a round.
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