[WriteLog] Need help with Multi-Keyer Push-To-Talk
Dr. Bill Echols
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 07:36:25 -0500
I have not succeeded in getting WriteLog and the W5XD Multi-Keyer to enable
PTT on either of my two radios. No voltage or resistance changes ever occur
on the PTT_L, PTT_R, LPT_R pin 16, or LPT_L pin 16 when I depress my
footswitch (which changes from a 4.9 volt to zero volts showing the
footswitch is good). I can pull down the voltage with a jumper to ground on
PTT_L or PTT_R and the respective radios will key; CW works fine.
The schematic does not show opto-isolators on the PTT_L or PTT_R leads but
the description states they exist. Does anyone have a complete schematic? Is
there some kind of software configuration I need in the .ini file?
Bill, NI5F
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