[WriteLog] Thanks!
Garry Shapiro
Mon, 30 Sep 2002 00:52:21 -0000
Thanks to the responses from WA9ALS, K9JY, K4JA and K6EP, Saturday and
Sunday were much more fun than Friday was in the RTTY contest. I still need
to better understand the way those crazy docked windows flop around, but, by
getting rid of the ones that did not appear to be doing anything useful, I
was able to scrunch the remaining ones into a WL window that was 2/3 of the
display, leaving room for the RTTYWrite window, and the Telnet/packet
window. Things flowed pretty smoothly after that. But I am grateful for the
easy real-time editing of the log, which allows one to correct brain farts
while CQing. That is a really nice attribute of this program.
Why Telnet? As a RTTY DXer, I did not want to miss the KH0 that was on,
which I needed. Other than that, being "assisted" was pretty worthless. I
was also advised to use the Packet Window option from the pulldown
menus--but that never displayed anything, so something needed to be set or
unset somewhere.
I had intended to finally GOMA and set up for RTTY contesting, and then
spend a few hours in this contest. Of course, as soon as the adrenalin
started flowing, that plan went out the window. I could not dodge my
domestic responsibilities without suffering great mental and physical
punishment, so I could not do the whole 48, but I did almost half, and came
up with a respectable 848K. Next year, look out, Don!
The good runs are addictive...just like DXpeditioning.
As an experienced procrastinator, I know that taking the weekend for this
contest means giving up other things. So there will be no DXCC submission
for the DX Yearbook for me this year. :-(
Garry, NI6T
160 meters---not a band but an obsession