[WriteLog] Cabrillo File for SPDX Contest and WriteLog.

Pawel SP7PS pawel at sp7ps.pl
Fri Apr 11 23:44:15 EDT 2003

Hello Friends,
Some people have problems with converting WL to Cabrillo. Marek SP7DQR,
developer of WL2CABR software sent me short letter with instruction and
details how to set WriteLog.

It is his letter:

Log must be exported as ASC file (FILE -> Export -> ASCII WITH NO FORMATTING
BY TIME) in YOUR_CALL.TXT file name.
But the first MODE field  in SETUP -> DIPLAY FORMAT must be unchecked.

So, fields in the QSO Display Format window must be set as follows:
1. Sequence number - CHECKED
2. QSL information   - UNCHECKED
3. Time                       - CHECKED
4. Date                        - CHECKED
5. Mode                     - UNCHECKED
6. Frequency             - CHECKED
7. Transmit Freq.      - UNCHECKED

With these parameters WL2CABR generates rigth Cabrillo file for SPDX
I will add automatic source file format recognition in the next version of
Best 73! de Marek SP7DQR

I hope his explanation will help with smooth work after SPDX Contest.
73's de Pawel, SP7PS (SN7N in contests)


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