[WriteLog] Band Summary inconsistancies [Addl. Info.]

Jeffrey Pych jrp at dim.com
Tue Apr 22 19:16:19 EDT 2003

Hello again,

It appears that I don't fully understand how WriteLog counts
DX countries worked per band/mode.

I had only two QSO's on 15M phone in this log.  Both
were JA's.  But since I already had JA on 15M CW,
WriteLog does not add that to the DX count in the
band summary for 15M phone.  Someone please tell me
if I'm not understanding this correctly.

The two QSO's do not appear in the "QSO/DX by hour
and band" report though.  Shouldn't it appear there under
the "15M PH" column as "2/0"?

In the multiplier report, there is a "15M PH" column, but
it is empty.  This also seems incorrect to me.

If I'm not interpreting the reports correctly, someone
please let me know.

Jeff, KI0RO

On Tuesday 22 April 2003 05:13, Jeffrey Pych wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently operated abroad on vacation using WriteLog
> in dxpedition mode.  The band summary and the reports
> have some errors in them.  For example, in one wl file,
> I had two QSO's on 15m PH, but the band summary
> shows the two QSO's but no DX (e.g. zero countries).
> In the reports, there is a column for 15M PH, but the
> column has no entries (all zeros).
> The QSO count is less than the actual number of QSO's
> in the log, but maybe it doesn't count the dupes.
> I am using WriteLog version 10.36G.  Has anyone else
> run across this problem?
> Thanks,
> Jeff, KI0RO
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