[WriteLog] Using the Sound Card

Dave L Thompson k4jrb at juno.com
Mon Aug 18 11:54:14 EDT 2003

Maybe I can use my old mix mixer I used before digital voice keyers.  I
have one that lets you input 4 mics with one output and there is a gain
control for each mic.  I used this as late 1985 with both the Drake 4
line and a Ten Tec 540 not sure about my FT 980's.   Sure worked great
with the mic in position 1 and the tape wheel on position 2.  With the
mic controls you could get the audio to sound the same using the mic or
the tape wheel.

I use the Heil HC-4 on all my rigs.   My older ICOM requires a lot of
preamp to drive the audio properly and my old Nel Tech DVK 100 does this
fine.  I have not gotten the preamp (called audio boost) on my sound card
to duplicate this yet.

I picked up a Telex Contester mic (sound like the HC-5 element) and its
somewhat easier to use (more output) but its too flat response for heavy
contest use and the preamp just makes it pick up shack noise.

Remember the sound card probably has a wide range 200 to 10,000hz or more
response unlike the HC-4 with sharp low and high cutoffs so be careful
...being broad in a contest just makes the other contestants
upset with you.  Wonder if I can put an audio filter in the mic preamp
like we did years ago when SSB first became popular? 

Dave K4JRB 

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