[WriteLog] Using the Sound Card

Bill Turner wrt at dslextreme.com
Tue Aug 19 09:27:26 EDT 2003

On Mon, 18 Aug 2003 16:06:31 -0500, "Larry Alkoff"
<labradley at mindspring.com> wrote:

>I'm using a KAM Plus but it's quite hard to tune in rtty by watching the lights.
>Larry N2LA


There is a simple modification you can do to the KAM to provide X and
Y outputs to drive a scope.  The KAM already has the drive available
internally, all you have to do is add the connections to the
connector.  Any scope with X-Y inputs will do; nothing fancy needed.
The simplest, cheapest scope you can find should be fine and will be
FAR superior to watching those LED's.  

Email me if you need directions.

73, Bill W7TI

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