[WriteLog] More QTC Improvements

WA9ALS - John wa9als at starband.net
Sat Aug 23 07:48:15 EDT 2003

> During the contest, we receive frequent requests for QTCs from the
> ops.  A practice I follow, and I believe is generally followed by the
> of the contestants, is to wait until we have accumulated 10 QTCs before we
> send them as a unit.

The idea of a box displaying the number of unsent QTCs sounds like a nice
feature to me.  Regarding the above though, what seems to happen in
practice, especially S&P, is that the other op asks me for QTCs when I have
less than 10 - say 4 or 6.  Of course I'm going to send him those rather
than wait until I have 10.  Thus I'm not for having the number turn from red
to green.  Maybe the opposite - green when you have ANY QTCs to send, and
RED when at least 10, indicating "get rid of these asap, you're losing
points!  HI

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