[WriteLog] Friend ini

KØBX jduerbusch at earthlink.net
Tue Aug 26 16:47:07 EDT 2003

Maybe I didn't express myself when I said the 'Friend.ini' slowed down 
the qso rate in the CQWWRTTY.  What I was trying to say is the 'Extra' 
letters in the buffer message by using the Friends slow down the 
exchange.  The lookup in the 'Friend.ini' file is fast, that is not the 

ie.  'WF1B 599 Z-40 DE K0BX'  is faster than 'WF1B HI RAY 599 Z-40 DE K0BX'

Ed, you are doing a wonderful job.  The problem is with WIN98 and not 
the Frind.ini or Writelog.

Joe K0BX

K4SB wrote:
I recently wrote a small search program, and it took .03 seconds with
 > Win98SE to find the last call in the full friend.ini file. I hardly
 > think that is excessive. If you think it slows your rate down, well,
 > that's your decision.

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