[WriteLog] Unknown Mult ???

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Sat Aug 30 22:46:25 EDT 2003

I am assuming you are using the SCC RTTY module.  Although there
are several bugs in this module, the UNKNOWN MULT is not one of them.

When you click on a callsign in the Rttyrite window, you will get the
UNKNOWN MULT if you have not worked the station previously in the
contest.  The reason for this is because "years first licensed" are multipliers
and WL cannot tell if the station you have in the Entry Window is a new
multiplier or not until you have entered in the year given.

If you put the callsign of a station you have worked previously in the contest
in the Entry Window, you will see that it will either tell you it's a new mult
or it's left blank (not a new mult).

One bug that keeps bugging me in this module is when you type in the
YEAR manually, then hit the + key to log the call and send the contents
of your confirmation message (F4 in my case), the confirmation message
quits sending in the middle and just sits there.  This happens 100% of the
time when the YEAR is typed manually and + is used.

Oh well, on with the contest....

73, Don AA5AU

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Randy" <wa2age at inreach.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 9:01 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Unknown Mult ???

> Hi,
> I've been playing around with WriteLog. I have ver 10.40J. I have installed
> the need file for the SCC contest.
> The problem is the that every call in the entry field, it always says
> What am I doing wrong?
> Randy
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