[WriteLog] MMTTY question

Phil Duff na4m at arrl.net
Mon Dec 15 18:25:21 EST 2003

At 18:02 12/15/2003, McKay wrote:
>Hi Guys
>Would one of you RTTY gurus tell me how I can tell MMTTY I will be
>operating FSK? I have tried the help tab and looked all over but can't
>find a way to select FSK over AFSK. Last time I operated RTTY was on
>"green keys" in the army many years ago.
>Archie, K4GA

Archie -
 From MMTTY's Help:

To operate FSK, first hook up the COM port for FSK (see the radio's manual 
and the FSK section of the Sound Card Hookup topic).  Then select the COM 
port that has the wire going to your radio's FSK input.  To do this select 
Option, Setup MMTTY, TX Tab and look at the right side of the tab for 
PTT.  Use the down-arrow to choose the correct COM port.  Next, click 
Option, Setup MMTTY, Misc Tab and select Sound+COM-TxD or COM-TxD.

73 Phil NA4M

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Phil Duff  NA4M   Ann Duff  Georgetown, Texas

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