[WriteLog] WL holding my computer hostage!!!

Richard Leary rsl6145 at msn.com
Fri Dec 19 07:57:51 EST 2003

I played around with it some here as well, no problems, no errors.
I use a Pentium 4, 1.4Mhz, Windows XP Pro, and Eric, also a TS-870S, with Rigblaster Plus, and Writelog 1.44B. Oh, and I also have Cool Edit 2000. Works great.

Under Setup, dropdown menus. Where do you see any underlined characters (SSB,RTTY). I don't have any underlined/accelerated letters/keys on any of my menus.

Under CW/RTTY messages. You can set them up any which way you want. If your last setup had SSB keys selected, it will stay that way until you Exit out of WriteLog. Whenever I exit WriteLog, then open it again, the CW/RTTY/SSB box will always show up with the CW selections. Doesn't make any difference, because if WriteLog is polling your rig, when you change from CW to SSB, or vice versa, on the TS-870, the messages change as well.

Oh yes, I sent you an email, direct a couple of days ago, regarding the CW delay. I use anything from 5ms to 100ms. Anything between those numbers doesn't seem to me to cause any problems. I also try and keep the internal keyer in the 870 fairly close to Writelog's CW speed, around 26-30wpm works for me. That way I can hand fill in any off the wall CW that needs to be sent during contests.

Keep playing around with it. Like I said, I haven't had any problems with it here, and be sorta careful about blaming WriteLog. I've found that a little experimenting, and reading, and listening to this reflector can solve a lot of problems or concerns one might have.

That's about it for now. Hope this helps Eric. Oh, those 2 emails I sent you, got bounced back. Something about spam. I had my call in there as well. You've got your mail filters screwed down so tight, I doubt if anyone can get through.

Rick W7LKG
rsl6145 at msn.com

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