[WriteLog] WL holding my computer hostage!!!

Jim Rhodes k0xu at iowadsl.net
Fri Dec 19 07:45:03 EST 2003

I am having a little trouble understanding you tirades here. These keys 
behave just like similar keys in other programs. The Alt + "key" activates 
the top level window, then Just the "key" brings up the menu item, or 
toggles the setting if it a "selection" item.

As far as the .wav file problem, you have not told us how you decided the 
Writelog is the problem. Your error message just tells you that the file is 
in use, it doesn't say what program is using them. You better look a little 
further into your system before you start blazing away. I suspect you have 
something else going on in the background.

Fix your system, fix your attitude & then come back when you have calmed 
down a bit. BTW, I am sending this to the list because when I tried to 
reply to you direct, my message was bounced by your spam filter.

At 03:24 AM 12/19/03, you wrote:

>On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, KJ6RA wrote:
> > Tried it here and found no error messages.
> >
> > Running 10.42c & XP Pro
>Tnx, OM.
>WL v10.43F here on a WIN98SE Sony Vaio.
>Curiously, do you see the underlined "Y" in RTTY on the drop down menu
>list under Setup?  And, the underlined "B" in SSB on the actual
>CW/RTTY/SSB Memory Setup dialog box window?
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Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

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