[WriteLog] 9A Contest Module

Ron Bethin rjbethin at buffnet.net
Sat Dec 20 16:25:40 EST 2003

The executable file "regsvr32" (regsvr32.exe) is a Windows program and can 
not be run in the DOS mode. It must be used in a DOS window  within the 
Windows environment or from the Start|Run prompt as described by Scott and 

73 and Happy Holidays to all,
Ron K2VF

At 06:19 PM 12/19/2003, you wrote:
>At 22:26 2003-12-19, you wrote:
>>Have downloaded the module for the 9A CW Contest, and am trying to run 
>>the 'regsvr32 crocw.dll' routine as described in an earlier post today...
>>The crocw.dll file is in the C:\ham\programs  directory, where all the 
>>Writelog program files are...
>>I reboot to DOS mode and type   regsvr32 crocw.dll    (as the 
>>instructions say) but I keep getting a "Bad Command of Filename" error...
>I tried myself in DOS mode and didn't get it to work either... :-(

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