[WriteLog] Voice-keying of automated serial numbers

Eric Hilding eric at hilding.com
Sun Dec 21 10:31:45 EST 2003

On Sun, 21 Dec 2003, Bob McCormick W1QA wrote:

> As for the K6VVA example on that web URL ...
> if the serial number was 4345 ... personally,
> I would never want to hear it said as
> forty-three-forty-five.  Ugh.  Please don't.
> Maybe I should just stick to CW ...

Just an additional comoment about "CW" as pertains to this matter.

One of the great things about DX contests years ago, was that it was so
easy to ID many stations without even hearing their callsign...because you
recognized their "fist".  Like Volt, DU7SV and others.

And I'm sure years ago most CW ops would have pooh-pooh'd the idea of
yielding their own prized "fist" to a computer.  Kind of like those who
scoffed at the Wright Brothers (who thought flight was possible).

What?  A computer send CW?  In a Contest?

When I first got back on the air a month ago, I found myself getting quite
irritated at hearing stations send a call at 30WPM, and then the ramped up
exchange at 50WPM (especially when QSB).  Personally, I thought it sounded
quite "ugly", and started writing an article about the "good old days".
The CW bands sounded more like robotic RTTY machines which could not hold
a consistent speed of transmission.

But I'm sure analysis has shown higher QSO rates per hour by such
"delivery" methods and the partial second(s) per qso gained through such
an approach.  And of course, the efficiencies gained via computer logging.  I
sure do not miss the massive manual checksheets, that's for sure!

I don't advocate 100% full time use of a total SSB-Automated approach as
I've been discussing, but believe it does have potentials for efficient
usefulness during a contest...especially during slower periods and/or when
signals are strong and there's a fast run going too.  Various
possibilities to also reduce some operator fatigue.

What?  A computer send complete automated callsign and serial
number voicing? In a contest?

What?  A computer send automated CW?  In a contest?



Rick, K6VVA

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