[WriteLog] MMTTY 1.63b test results in the XE RTTY contest
Donald Eriksen
don.wsixffh at verizon.net
Sun Feb 2 23:22:57 EST 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Hill AA5AU" <aa5au at bellsouth.net>
To: "RTTY Reflector" <rtty at contesting.com>; "WriteLog Reflector"
<Writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 6:36 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] MMTTY 1.63b test results in the XE RTTY contest
> I ran the MMTTY 1.63b engine with WriteLog in this weekend's XE RTTY
> contest. I ran it on both my A and B computers in my SO2R two PC setup.
> Computer A is a 200 mhz Pentium I running Win98se. Computer B is a 333
> Pentium II also running 98se. Both computers were running WriteLog
v10.39c with
> the MMTTY plug-in for WriteLog V13.exe.
> Computer A was keying FSK from an add-on COM port and B was keying FSK
> from a Belkin USB-to-serial adapter.
> The problem experienced in the ARRL RTTY Roundup by several WriteLog
> users running the MMTTY plug-in for WriteLog and the 1.63 engine was that
> on occasion when an F key was pressed to send a message, the transmitter
> key briefly, then unkey. The only way to get it going again was to wait.
> after a minute or two, the buffer keys would work again.
> I'm sorry to say that 1.63b does the same thing. Although it doesn't
happen often,
> it does happen. On computer A, it happened twice. Nothing I did, short
of closing
> WriteLog (which I didn't do) would make it work again. It happened once
on computer B.
> When it occurred on computer B, I shut down the Rttyrite window running
> and restarted it, but the problem remained. I found this very strange.
After about a
> minute or so, it started working again.
> On one of the two occasions the problem occurred on computer A, I was
> in Auto-CQ. So it wasn't a direct result of pressing an F key. I'd not
> that before.
> I decided to revert back to the 1.62 engine on computer B about 6 hours
into the contest.
> There were no problems at all after I went back to 1.62 on computer B.
> there were no other problems on computer A running 1.63b either, but the
action was pretty
> slow by then, especially on Sunday when condx went from mediocre to just
plain bad and I
> finally had to quit after 500 Q's.
> I tried all kinds of different things with the MMTTY settings after each
problem or crash.
> At one time, I changed the priority on computer B to "higher" instead of
"highest" in the
> MMTTY setup. When I did this, it crashed almost immediately so I went
back to "highest".
> Since the F key problem only occurred a total of 3 times, it was hard to
determine if there
> was anything that could be done about it with settings. But I don't think
> It's a strange problem. I sent my results to Ken, VE5KC, who will relay
them to Mako.
> I realize that the problems are minor and correctable after a couple of
minutes. I never had
> to reboot the machines, which is a good thing. However, it's a little
unnerving when it does
> happen. In a serious contest effort, having this sort of thing occur
could possibly throw
> someone's rhythm off for a while. And for that reason, I am reverting
back to v1.62 on both
> PC's for this weekend's WPX RTTY contest. See you then!
> 73, Don AA5AU
> http://www.aa5au.com
> http://www.geocities.com/writelog
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