[WriteLog] WriteLog(?) keying radio upon bootup

Jim Brannigan jbrannig at optonline.net
Tue Feb 4 09:41:24 EST 2003

Between contests I unplug the "Wall wart" power supply for the keyer.
After I finally figure out why the transmitter is not keying, it is a mad
scramble to find a "Wall wart" with the correct voltage and plug, only to
discover it under the table where it was left so it could be easily found!!!

Yes, checklists and what ever happened to those 1/2 inch jeweled pilot light
covers that proclaimed "YES, ITS ON"


> With the Top Ten DXD SO2R box, I leave the transmit in manual when not
> contesting. It prevents the keying of the radio when the computer boots.
> other SO2R boxes may have similar features.
> The downside is, it sometimes takes me forever to figure out why the radio
> does not key when getting ready for a contest. Hmmmm, maybe I should make
> checklist.
> Chuck, KE4OAR

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