Dennis roofus at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 5 13:16:49 EST 2003

Looking back a week or so I have come a long way with WriteLog and MMTTY, I can even send CW thanks to the help of members of this reflector.  I see from the short time I have been here most all of you are dedicated and knowledgeable contesters far above my skills.  Is there, or has anyone thought of starting a NEWBIE WL group?  For me, WL is very intimidating and the mass of posts on this reflector compounds the problem.  I fear many new contesters are scared away or intimidated to the point of quitting.
I may be dumber than most and may never be a top notch contester but I do want to learn.  This is in no way a slam against this reflector, everyone has been helpful, but the amount of traffic is overwhelming and over my head. I try to read and save all posts so I don't ask questions that have been answered but just can't keep up.

Thanks to everyone for there help, I do have a toe hold and hanging on.

73, Dennis  AB8NI

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