[WriteLog] WL & Rtty

WA9ALS - John wa9als at starband.net
Sat Feb 8 16:55:54 EST 2003

This is a classic "problem" that's not really a problem.  When you click the
call to put the focus on the log window, the log window and entry area cover
up your Rttyrite window.  The windows that don't disappear when you do this
are probably "docked" with the log window.  The solution is to make your log
window smaller and rearrange things.  I have almost all the available
windows UNdocked from the log window - everything except the entry area.

To UNdock a docked window, put your cursor/pointer near the edge of a
certain window, and you will see it change into a little rectangle.  If you
left-click and hold, you drag it off to anywhere else you want, as long as
it's not touching the log window.  If it touches, it will re-dock when you
let go.  Alternatively, you can double-click, and it will pop free of the
log, and then you drag it where you like.

I've been out of town all day for harmonic's music competitions - Listening
to RTTY in the mobile sounds like a lot of activity this afternoon - HAVE
FUN!  73 - John, WA9ALS

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary D Elliott" <k7ox at pipeline.com>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 4:30 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] WL & Rtty

> Hi Gang,
> Well trying to use WL for first time with MMTTY. Everything is working
> correctly and have all my windows up that I want to use but every time I
> click on a Call (Yello) to put it in the callbox the rttyrite rec window
> goes away, if I click on the task bar down below it comes back.  I can't
> keep the rttyrite rec window open. Other then that, it appears to be
> OK. Any suggestions as to what my problem is ? All the other windows stay
> open and don't disappear.
> 73 Gary
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