[WriteLog] ARRL DX - Band change rule

Marty Tippin nw0l at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 10 08:49:58 EST 2003

--- Georgek5kg at aol.com wrote:
> 1.)  Does WriteLog calculate band changes correctly per CLOCK HOUR in the 
> Band Changes Window?

I haven't verified operation for the ARRL DX contest, but for the ARRL RTTY
Roundup and for the CQ/RJ RTTY WPX contest (which implement the same band
change rule), Writelog does NOT track band changes properly per the CLOCK HOUR
rule. I've been unable to discern whether the band change rule logic is
implemented globally in WriteLog or if it's specific to each contest module. 

I brought this topic up here on the reflector about 2 weeks ago and got
absolutely no response. I also e-mailed W5XD and K5DJ directly, again with no
response. So either I don't speak fluent English, or else nobody but me thinks
this is a problem... I suppose I could resort to Gil Baron-like tactics and
"demand" service, but that's probably not a good idea either.

Best I can tell, Writelog's band change window tracks band changes over the
last 60 minutes in a sliding window - not by CLOCK HOUR. (it also has the
option for the 10-minute rule, which is irrelevant to this problem).

You can easily verify that by setting up a test log (make sure it's set for
multi-single tracking first -- go to the Entry menu and pick "This is Run
Radio" or whatever the menu item is), then adjust the clock so that it's
reading 55 minutes past the hour, enter 7 contacts, each on a different band
than the last (for a total of 6 band changes). 

Then wait for the clock to roll past the top of the hour and notice that the
band change window still says you must stay on the current band for another 55
minutes or so. 

You can further test this by setting up a test log with two networked
computers, set one to be the RUN radio, the other to be the MULT radio and
start entering contacts. 

> 2.)  Does the GREEN dot switch to RED on the 7th band change for each radio?

If it worked correctly, it should. 

-Marty NW0L
 martyt at pobox.com

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