[WriteLog] Writelogg CW decoder
HANKKIER at aol.com
HANKKIER at aol.com
Mon Feb 10 12:27:58 EST 2003
setting up for ARRL with Writelog. I've never used CW decoder before, but I
wonder how it works. I found the help file re cw decoder, but it really
doesn't describe how to actually use the decoder. with the decoder running, I
see vertically oriented spectrum graph, "jumping around", 2 lines, 2 captions
RX1 RX2, and there are 6 "streams" of characters moving across the page from
right to left, most of which are random characters. what do I do with all
this? what is RX1 vs RX2? what are the 2 lines for? how does the spectrum
relate to my radio's frequency? how do I "tune" to a signal? can I click on a
call to enter in the logging window? what are the 6 streams of characters -
how do they relate to the RXs and/or lines? why are they mostly garbage
random characters? etc etc. there is nothing on how to actually use the
feature. where can I get help on this? thanks, Hank KF2O
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