[WriteLog] Hum problems...

Gerald Wilson gtwilson at integrity.com
Thu Feb 13 01:03:58 EST 2003

Garry and others,
I did not see many solutions posted for your problem so I thought that I
might share my own experience.  I believe that it may be appropriate to post
these suggestions on the reflector as it may help others gain greater
enjoyment out of their usage of WriteLog's many soundcard utilization

In my case during a recent phone contest, I was using the voice keyer with a
RIGblaster Nomic interface and a Kenwood transceiver.  During the contest, a
friend stopped by on the air to tell me my audio had a hum and was very
distorted.  This was the first person to give me that kind of report during
a very nice run, and I appreciated hearing the truth.  I use an old Heathkit
SB-610 monitor scope to keep track of the transmitted signal, but I was
facing the computer monitor.   Sure enough, the signal was crummy.   The
bottom line was that I had inadvertently turned on the speech processor.
RIGblaster advises to use NO processing/compression with the interface.   I
knew that especially with PSK and RTTY.

After the contest, I did some more experimenting with my computer audio
(Win-98 and SoundBlaster-AWE64) and rig audio controls.  I found with my
equipment that even at the lowest audio setting and lowest rig gain
settings, if the speech processor were enabled, then unacceptable distortion
would appear on the signal.  This distortion does not appear when using the
speech processor and only my Heil microphone.   So in my situation, the
processor is always off while using an audio interface (and the great
WriteLog features).  I must provide adequate gain for recording/playback of
the buffers.  There have been some postings about soundcard gain elsewhere.

As they say, your results may vary.
Helpfully submitted,

Jerry    K7VIT

----- Original Message -----
From: "Garry Shapiro" <garry at ni6t.com>
To: "WriteLog Reflector" <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 23:23
Subject: [WriteLog] Hum progblems...

> Since my previous posting, asking about PTT, I did an on-the-air sound
> and learned that, with my amplifier on---even in standby--I have excessive
> hum on my signal. The reports indicate less hum with the amplifier off,
> I can hear it in the monitor with the amp in standby. So I will have to
> Sprint without any sound buffers.
> I have the Rigblaster mounted on the left side of the MP and the amplifier
> is immediately adjacent. Disconnecting the mic from the soundcard changes
> nothing and disconnecting the Rigblaster kills the hum---I must be getting
> pickup from the amplifier's power transformer directly into the
> Not a Writelog problem---so I will take  my problem off the reflector.
> Garry, NI6T
> __________________________________
> 160 meters---not a band but an obsession

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