[WriteLog] Check Call Window - OK?

Georgek5kg at aol.com Georgek5kg at aol.com
Sun Feb 23 12:04:59 EST 2003

In a message dated 2/23/2003 4:04:06 PM Greenwich Standard Time, 
w7zr at citlink.net writes:

> Like XXX in
> red replacing OK, or Worked in red ...

Funny you should mention the "OK", as I had a guest op in ARRL DX who was new 
to WL and went the entire contest not realizing its significance!

"OK" in the Check Call Window has always made sense to me as meaning "this 
mult has been worked on this band".  However, I do understand, that "OK" can 
mean different things to different operators.  Terms like "OK" are pretty 
loose and open to interpretation.

What I don't like is for the Check Call Window to initially show "OK" on all 
bands when there is no entry in the QSO Entry Window.  Now that is confusing 
to me.  I would prefer the Check Call Window to initially show only the 
"Bands" without an OK, and then pop up the "OK" on the appropriate bands when 
the mult's prefix is entered [as it does].  

To comment on your suggestions:

1.) using "XXX" in red instead of OK...to me this would be even more 
confusing than using OK.  Again, loose and non-specific.

2.) using "Worked" in red would be good, except that it would take more space 
than "OK".  And space in this window is at a real premium, especially if you 
have the Band Map open.  

Here is my proposed solution:  In the Check Call Window, have the Bands 
appear in Red and Green, indicating whether or not the multiplier is needed 
on that band.  This would eliminate the "OK" altogether and save space.  As 
with mults in the Packet Spots Window, use color to "manage by exception".  
Now there is an IDEA for Wayne to consider!


73, Geo...

George I. Wagner, K5KG
Productivity Resources LLC
941-312-9460 fax
201-415-6044 cell

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