[WriteLog] Rig Control for IC746Pro

Chris Vincent w5ctv@arrl.net
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 20:55:28 -0600

I didn't obey the cardinal rule of trying everything out before the 
contest and discovered I couldn't get the rig interface to work in 
Writelog.  I had to set the band manually.  Fortunately I didn't have to 
change it as I was on for such a short period of time.  I am using WL 
v10.38 and an IC746Pro.  I know the PC to rig interface is working as I 
get the freq. info transferring to my everyday logger Prolog 2K.  I have 
done everything in WL as I had done with my IC706 and that worked fine. 
  I noticed that the Pro model is not listed, only IC746, but the same 
is true with Prolog and that works fine. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks and 73,