[WriteLog] ptt, cw and rig control on 1 com
Dirk Desloovere
Dirk Desloovere" <d.desloovere@skynet.be
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 14:59:18 +0100
I am using a ft1000mp mkV with writelog.=20
I use one com port for ptt ,cw and rig control .
When using WL and mmtty module, ver 1.63 in AFSK , I have sometimes a =
lock of my the soundcard line out .
The line out lock up occurs also with mmtty ver 1.62.
The rig still communicates with WL and the PTT is also working, but no =
audio output anymore.
The port setup is CW com 2 , RIG ON COM 2 , YEASU FT 1000MP, Baudrate =
4800, POLL yes, PTT NO (when PTT Yes : same problem occurs, when PTT =
SYNCR the problems occurs very fast) polling is set to 600 in the ini =
file (600ms).
All mode PTT on CW port RTS is marked.
I need to restart the PC again, the program runs again for a while =
sometimes 5 minutes sometimes for hours.
I have never had such problem with my previous Kenwood TS850S.
Does any WL user has experience with a mkV on the same COM, or is the =
rule of interfacing never rigcontrol and PTT/CW on the same COM ?=20
ON4ADZ =20
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