[WriteLog] Converting a disk to NTFS

Bill Turner w7ti@dslextreme.com
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 15:14:38 -0800

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:44:40 -0500, Bob McCormick W1QA wrote:

>I know the discussion of file systems et al is
>off topic for this list.  But there seems to be
>enough posts on it that I felt I may be able to
>add some beneficial info - and try to tie it in
>to our use of logging software / writelog.


One last post on the subject and I'll be quiet.

Several people have pointed out that NTFS does have some
self-repair capabilities that FAT doesn't.  Floyd Sense pointed
me to www.ntfs.com where there is a good discussion on the

I have had some odd little file corruption problems lately such
as dual icons appearing in the tooltray for no apparent reason,
and a few other minor annoyances.  I'm going reinstall XP using
NTFS and see what happens.  I'll give it a couple of weeks and if
anyone wants my opinion on the difference, email me and I'll be
glad to report.  

73, Bill W7TI