[WriteLog] Update on FT-1000MP and recorded frequency

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Wed Jan 22 12:14:31 EST 2003

Scot, et al

I went through this issue when I first got my FT1000mp and thought of using 
the dual receive capability (which is pretty poor even with the filters in 
place) as a poor mans SO2R.

If you look at the Transmit freq and Rx freq in the Writelog logs you will 
see that Writelog  DOES correctly record the frequencies when it sees that 
we have set the FT1000mp to split (ie the TX comes from VFO B). What we see 
in the Logging Window is just the RX frequency. But the Tx freq is also 
recorded correctly

But here is the dilemma. As far as the radio is concerned, everything looks 
the same when I have turned on Dual and am actually listening to a station 
on VFO B and then contact him. This looks and is exactly like Split. So 
which frequency should be logged for RX? A or B. How is the software to 
know what the operators intentions are? Am I split and just listening to 
the pileup or am I S&P trying to work a multi?

I conclude it is clearer to just switch VFO A and B, make the quick contact 
and then swap back. That way everything can be recorded correctly for the 
operators intentions.

Writelog is doing all that can be determined from the CAT interface. If the 
operator meant something different then make a note in the log and correct 
it later!

Jerry, W6IHG

At 09:34 PM 1/21/2003 -0600, Scot Herrick wrote:
>Wayne provided a challenge to tell him where the interface with the Yaesu is
>broken (and I'm not sure it is...). I did some testing tonight and here is
>what I found:
>- RX and TX on VFO A. Records in the log and shows on the radio button on
>the Entry Window the frequency and mode from VFO A.
>- RX on VFO A and VFO B and TX on VFO B. Records in the log and shows on the
>radio button on the Entry Window the frequency from VFO A. So if VFO A is on
>21005 and VFO B is RX and TX on VFO B is on 14002, then logged frequency is
>21005 on VFO A.
>- Split on 40 meters with LSB on 7167 and VFO B on 7013 shows the mode of
>VFO A and frequency of VFO A 7167.
>I tried a couple of other things, but the net of it is that the logged
>frequency and mode for WriteLog is what is RX on VFO A.
>Is that what we are looking for or is there something different?
>Thanks...Scot, K9JY
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Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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