[WriteLog] Writelog and MMTTY 1.63 No problem

joseph duerbusch jduerbusch at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 27 10:39:48 EST 2003

I have been reading the other messages about WL/MMTTY 1.63 all last week.  So during the contest this past weekend I looked for problems.

No problems here.  No extra characters sent.  Buffers worked all the time.  If we all had a problem, then it would be safe to say it was the update, but I had no problems.  And, it seems like MMTTY 1.63 copies the very weak signals even better than 1.62!  Of course this could be a new antenna, or conditions but it is really picking up the very weak.

I am using a 1.7 Gig machine, 256 Memory, a $10.00 PCI soundcard.  Interface is a Rascal ($26.00 in kit form).
Rig is a Kenwood TS-850S/AT with IRC 400HZ cw filter and using FSK.  Nothing special here.

During the contest almost all stations send a CR/LF at the end of their transmission.  The one's that didn't really stuck out!

my $.02 worth, cu in CQWPX.

Joe K0BX


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