[WriteLog] Writelog and Field Day

Jim Preston jpreston1 at cox.net
Wed Jul 2 08:51:06 EDT 2003

No need to merge the logs for the purpose of submitting to ARRL. No need 
to send the logs at all (Cabrillo or otherwise). Simply send a list of 
calls worked on each band / mode (GOTA counts separately).

Jim N6VH

Ken Caruso wrote:


>  Merging. Using the "Import ADI" method outlined by W5XD last April, I find
> that the GOTA station contacts get heavily  "Duped" out. Do we just manually
> add the Q's on the ARRL paper work or is there a way around this?
>  It took a bit to stabilize the network at first, and it would occassionally
> need to be restarted during the course of the test, as a result sequence
> numbers are not in sequence. Should I care? How should I handle these?


>  Ken
>  WO1N

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