[WriteLog] ES5PC/0 qrv in NAC MW

Viljo Allik vallik at zykes.com
Wed Jul 2 23:14:14 EDT 2003


Its time for a small expedition again. If everything goes well we will operate the microwave contest from some location of the Saaremaa island. The exact location is not 
decided yet.
No 1296MHz operation this time, only microwaves.


2304/2320MHz  100+W / 1.0dBNf / 90cm offset dish.
5760MHz            8W / 1.4dBNF / 60cm dish
10368MHz          6W / 1.2dBNF / 70cm dish 
24192MHz          300mW / 3dBNF / 60cm dish

Phone number for skeds. +46707153721, SMS ok. 


Viljo ES5PC , Andres ES6REH, Lauri ES5TGW

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