[WriteLog] RE: [RTTY] Writelog with MTTY

Robert McGwier rwmcgwier at comcast.net
Fri Jul 18 01:00:00 EDT 2003

Did anyone say click on the "HAM" default settings?
The first time I brought up MMTTY with Writelog, the
BPF was on and it was way out in left field and with
the IC756ProII RTTY filter, there was almost no overlap
and the performance was just awful. Clicked on HAM and
noise lit up the center of the screen and copy was
better than RTTYrite immediately.  As others have
said, with decent RTTY filters in your rig, you don't
need BPF or AFC unless you run brickwall FIR's like I
do to get the ones in the mud.


-----Original Message-----
From: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com]On
Behalf Of Dave Hachadorian
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2003 08:49
To: rtty at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [RTTY] Writelog with MTTY

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003 17:58:47 -0700 "Bruce Sawyer" <n6nt at arrl.net> writes:
>  I can now switch back and forth between the MMTY and 
> Rttyrite
> engines in one keystroke, so it's painfully obvious now that I'm 
> getting
> much better copy out of Rttyrite.  MMTY is working OK, but it 
> generates a
> lot more decode errors than Rttyrite.  What happened?


MMTTY copies a lot better than Rttyrite on my P200. I have two
copies of Rttyrite running for so2r, and have adequate computer

Try running the Windows resource meter to see if your computer has
adequate cpu resources while running WL/MMTTY. If the resource meter
flat-tops at 100%, maybe you can do a ctrl-alt-delete to see what else
is running, and turn some of it off.

You can connect headphones to your sound card's audio output to see
if there is some gross distortion or noise in the loop. In the playback
audio controls, "microphone" or "line input" needs to be selected,
depending on which one you are using for the sound card input.

Try restarting the computer to maximize resource availability.

With 500 Hz filters or narrower, you should be able to verify
that the receiver's passband is centered on the MMTTY demodulator.
The MMTTY spectral display should be max around the mark/space,
and fall off at both edges. You can tweak it with the hi/lo cut
or passband tuning on the rig. Make sure the correct mark/space
tones are selected in MMTTY. Make sure afc is off, and stays off.
After you turn it off, verify that the mark/space frequencies are
still correct. They change themselves when afc is on.

Hope something here helps.

Dave Hachadorian, K6LL
Big Bear Lake, CA

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