[WriteLog] FCC Callsign Database with WriteLog?

Fidel Leon ea3gip at ea3gip.net
Sat Jul 26 17:00:35 EDT 2003

At 01:27 26/07/2003 -0700, Gary Kohtala wrote:
>I would like to be able to do lookups with the FCC
>database, which is downloadable free from the

Hummm... I agree to people telling Writelog is a contest logging program, 
not specially oriented to general logging work.

Anyway, one year ago, I developed a "fake radio driver" wich looked at the 
Buckmaster CD database, in order to get many information from the callsign 
entered in the Entry Window. It could be easily configured to give station 
information, but I found it a little "unethical" in contests, since your 
ears would be substituted by an "electronic operator". Well, you could 
argue any contest logging software gives you, i.e.,  CQ zones, so, what 
would be wrong getting the USA state for ARRL contests from DX locations?

I think things are different for general logging purposes, so an interface 
as mine could  be developed. Since I am not licensed at the USA, I don't 
know how the FCC database web interface looks like, but nevermind, I'm on 
my holidays and, if you think you need it, I could modifiy it and sending 
it to you for free.

>or two are obsolete. I believe that the FCC database
>is the best way to go in the long run. Having this

Don't forget there is a little number of ham operators worldwide hi.


Fidel Leon - EA3GIP
ea3gip at ea3gip.net

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