[WriteLog] Re: PTT timing

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Mon Jun 9 23:58:48 EDT 2003


Interesting. What serial number is your Yaesu FT1000mp. Most of the 
responses that I got from Yaesu FT1000mp owners when I worried this problem 
several years ago was that their and my FT1000mp forgets that it has been 
commanded to transmit via the  CAT comm port after it starts to key CW. I 
had to actually look at the comm channel to assure myself that Writelog was 
properly commanding PTT on and PTT off at the end of the message. I had to 
wire a seperate PTT signal to the the PTT jack to get rid of that problem. 
I would guess that you must have a newer firmware version in your FT1000mp 
than mine. It's serial number is 8G300088.

Jerry, W6IHG

At 09:57 AM 6/9/2003 -0700, ad6e at inreach.com wrote:
>I don't have that problem on my 1000mp. PTT is via RS232 command and CW
>key from the same serial port using a simple transistor (no opto needed,
>and UserPort not needed). It works great on both the 1000mp main radio and
>also the FT920 second radio.  remember:  KISS!!
>73, Al  AD6E

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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