[WriteLog] Re: [1000mp] Getting ready for PSK-31, and a filter question

Morris Wideman wa4mit at t-online.de
Wed Jun 11 20:24:13 EDT 2003

As for the psk operation, Ive been on since 99 on two different Yeasu radios and have only used cables between the radios and soundcard. I do have a built in 100K to 1 attenuator in the line out of the soundcard to mic audio in on radio and still run the soundcard very low level out. And I get excellent reports with this setup. Why would you use or have only fixed GAIN?.
As for the filters the Inrads seem to be the big choice. My radio was used and came with a pair of Yeasu 2.Khz that seems to work well. Good luck and 73 Morris

On Fri, 25 Oct 2002 19:14:03  
 Rich McGee wrote:
>I went into my local HRO last weekend, ready to build/buy an interface
>to enable PSK-31. But the "droid" behind the counter said noone in their
>shop had ever used that mode (!) and he had no idea. So, naturally,
>I'm turning to the list here for help.
>Can I just route the AF (fixed gain) audio out to my PC sound card,
>or do I need one of those isolator/interface boxes, like a
>Also, I want to buy a filter for SSB, but I've never ever been
>exposed to a rig which supported filtering, much less offering
>you a choice! So where should I look to begin? Eventually, I plan
>of getting them all, but, for now, I can afford just one (And
>I know, I know, but I want a Yaesu filter, not the Inrad model. I'm
>just not comfortable making mods to the rig which involve snipping
>Rich de KY6O
>Surf the Web without missing calls

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