[WriteLog] DVK Trouble

Darack, Zev Zev.Darack at banklink.com
Mon Mar 3 16:36:28 EST 2003

40 and 80: RF getting into the computer soundcard
Beep: System beep.  Turn off the system beep in windows sounds and it will
go away.

Used DVK for the first time in a contest this weekend too...I love it!!!!!
Anyone want to buy my MFJ 434? Hihi


-----Original Message-----
From: Pete Stafford [mailto:pete at staffordsystems.com] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 4:27 PM
To: Writelog (E-mail)
Subject: [WriteLog] DVK Trouble

Used the DVK functions of WriteLog for the first time, and they worked well
for the most part.  I did have trouble however, on 40 and 80 meters, where
my audio broke up to the point where I was unreadable.  Speaking through the
mic though, without hitting F1, worked just fine.  The same function key
.wav files worked on the other bands, although occasionally I would hear
through the monitor function (and this was confirmed by another station over
the air) a short high-pitched beep.  No one mentioned anything about that
though, probably because it was similar to other beeps and normal junk one
hears on a QRM'ed frequency in a contest.  I'm using an Icom 756ProII, and
tried a couple of different mics with no change.

Anyone have any ideas?

Pete, K2PS
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WriteLog at contesting.com

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