[WriteLog] Recording a Contest

Eric Scace K3NA eric at K3NA.ORG
Mon Mar 3 23:09:44 EST 2003

   From the description in your message, it appears you were recording from the headphone/speaker output of the FT-1000MP.  The
setting of the MONI switch will determine if you hear your own signals during transmission.

   If you use the receiver line level audio output (I think this is called PHONE OUT on a -1000MP) from the rear panel, you will be
able to use the WriteLog Soundboard Controller to set your record levels properly.  Line audio outputs from most receivers are at a
fixed signal level which does not vary with the AF Gain control on the front panel.  That means you will get a more consistent
recorded signal level in your audio files.

   The big drawback with line level outputs from most receivers is that they do NOT provide a sidetone on CW or any other indication
of the transmitted signal.  This is a bit of an annoyance.  Theoretically, WriteLog could be modified to force a synthetic CW
sidetone or copy of the live audio into the recorded audio file... but that is probably item #13,247 on the To Do list for the
author!  Another potential workaround is to use a relay, switched by the PTT signal lead, to divert the soundboard's line input from
the receiver to the transmitter audio level (for phone or AFSK/PSK/etc)... and on CW use MONI and divert the sidetone from the
transceiver into the Line Input.  If one is using W5XD+ Multi-Keyer, a sidetone on CW is available that could be used instead of the
transceiver's sidetone.

   That said, I find the MONI signal on SSB on the FT-1000MP to often be accompanied by a low-level distorted pattern of one's
voice.  I think this is due to some RF rectification in the audio stage of the transceiver.  A choke on the headphone and other
receive audio cables near the transceiver seems to help somewhat.  (This is noticeable with other transmitters in a
multi-transmitter setup if antennas are close to the transceiver's location, which is one reason why I suspect some RF

   See also the K9JY website for more details on recording.

   I hope others can offer further ideas.  I'm not thrilled about the solutions that I've come up with so far...

-- Eric K3NA

-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of GW4BLE
Sent: 2003 March 3 Monday 21:41
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Recording a Contest

Had a last minute idea to try and make use of the Writelog recording
facility at the weekend - unfortunately it didn't quite work out as planned,
and guess I do *really* need to read the manual !

 Maybe I will do before WPX, however, has anyone "been-there-and-done-that"
and could offer any hints'n'tips on configuring the recorder for use with an

>From what I can see so far, I have a number of .wav files of various
lengths. When they are played back I can hear incoming signal audio,
sometimes my own voice (but not all the time).  Presumably this is being
blanked out when I am calling CQ and not having the "monitor" switched on,
or is it due to all my recordings being "on-the-fly" and not dedicated .wav

Any advice anyone?




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