[WriteLog] 10.40J is now ready to download.

Ron K5DJ k5dj at austin.rr.com
Thu Mar 13 01:41:31 EST 2003

What's in 10.40J update: 

Add IC-910 support
Add Exchange L/R VFO command.
Great Circle Bearings can read additional lat/lon databases created with
ReadCTY.exe can read alternative CTY files and convert to bin for use in
Great Circle Bearings.
Add CW/PH QSO columns to band summary for Russian DX Contest.
The Russian DX Context now calculates the oblast abbreviation from the
callsign using a new rus_cty.dat file.
Bandmap on second VFO for supported radios.
Add ability to load an ADI file for use a database of exchange information
for this contest.
CW-LSB support for FT-920.
ARRL DX-update Band Change window support per latest Multi-Two rules.
Upgrade version of the installer no longer contains country database, or
Users are expected to download those separately.
Support CQ WW VHF contest.
Support changed rules for JIDX.
RTTY Support for Sprint.
Support free from entry of exchange information.
Fixed a problem with the continental break down report created in 10.39.

There is a MAJOR change in this version. 

The major change is that we now have support for free form entry of the
received exchange. (((Note: The "free format entry" feature is still under
development And may need to be changed somewhat from the way it works

To turn it on, pull down the "Entry" menu and click "Enter in Free Form".
The Entry window gets an extra type-in area.


 73, de Ron K5DJ

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