[WriteLog] Anyone have data on Lectrokit PSKI? de VY1JA

J. Allen jallen at internorth.com
Wed Mar 26 18:28:29 EST 2003

Hello All...

My home-brew RTTY interface failed and I in my junkbox I found a small
assembled but unused Lectrokit PSKI. There is no data with it on
interconnection.  Can anyone help me get this interfaced, and tell me how to
set it up with my Writelog?

If this is not a good one to use, and I should buy a different one, please
let me know which will be good.  I hope some day to be doing HSCW, PSK31,
and FSK RTTY with the same interface and my Omni V.9.

Please respond directly to vy1ja at arrl.net



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