[WriteLog] SO2R enter calls on mult station when TX on run station?

Dick Green dick.green at valley.net
Sat May 10 13:53:21 EDT 2003


Hold down the SHIFT key and press either UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW. This will
transfer the "keyboard focus" to the mult radio, leaving the "transmit
focus" on the run radio. This will allow you to dupe stations for the band
the mult radio is on while continuing to CQ on the run radio. If you press a
function key, such as the one that sends your call or the exchange, the CQ
will stop, the transmit focus will shift to the mult radio, and the contents
of the function key will be sent. You can then move both the keyboard focus
and transmit focus back to the run radio with the UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW
key, or you can move just the transmit focus by holding down the CTRL key
and pressing UP-ARROW or DOWN-ARROW.

If you check Auto Resume in the Timed CQ dialog box (press ALT-T to bring it
up), the transmit focus will automatically shift back to the run radio and
the CQ will resume from the start. This is fully-automated SO2R switching.

Note that the radio with transmit focus has the little green oval to the
left, while the radio with keyboard focus has the entry area highlighted in

Hope this helps.

73, Dick WC1M

> -----Original Message-----
> From: LSG Communication [mailto:info at lsg.se] 
> Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 3:24 AM
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] SO2R enter calls on mult station when TX 
> on run station?
> Hi guys!
> When callin CQ on the run station I want to enter calls on 
> the mult station entering field. However the CQ keying stops 
> when changing fields from run to multi station. 
> How do I set up writlog to keep calling CQ on the run station 
> when entering calls on the mult station entering field.
> Hope someone can give me a clue.
> 73/
> Sam Gunnarsson SM3PZG
> www.lsg.se
> info at lsg.se
> Tel/Fax 0660 293540
> Int +46 660 293540

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