[WriteLog] New RTTY Callsign Database Update

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Wed Nov 5 21:09:07 EST 2003

70 new callsigns showed up in at least 3 logs received from JARTS
operators.  I then included the CQWW RTTY logs again, compared them against
the JARTS logs and an additional 51 calls showed up in at least 3 logs.

New callsign database files included in aa5au_rtty110503.zip just uploaded
to http://rttycontesting.com a few minutes ago.

I've also included links to the WAEDC website and example buffers for WAEDC
RTTY which is this weekend.  There is some information on how to set up
your buffers to assist in sending and receiving QTC's with WriteLog.

Unfortunately, WAEDC RTTY always falls on opening day of duck season
in the western zone of Louisiana.  I leave tomorrow for the marsh, but hope
to be home in time on Sunday to give out some points and accept as many
QTC's as possible.  So if you see me spotted on Sunday, I'll be happy to
receive your QTC's.

73 & GL,

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