[WriteLog] Computer speech

Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 Chad.Kurszewski at motorola.com
Thu Nov 6 07:10:44 EST 2003

> Looking to create .WAV files to be used for SSB Sweepstakes.
> I did the tedious creation of     1.WAV, 2.WAV   ......   
> a.WAV, b.WAV   .......   w1.WAV, w2.WAV  ......
> etc. However, when strung together the audio is choppy.
> (1) Anyone know a method or software that will solve this?

If you thought your approach was tedious, you won't like my

Make a SINGLE, long recording, of the entire alphabet using
phonetics.  "alpha bravo charlie....on and on to zulu".
While recording, do not pause between each letter, but say
them as if you are saying one gigantic callsign, more like
"alphabravocharlie...".  Then, using an audio editing program,
chop that one long file into 26 little files, a.wav, b.wav, etc.

While it still isn't perfect sounding, it is an improvement
over the individual letter recordings.

Chad WE9V

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