[WriteLog] Serial number in letters

Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 faunt at panix.com
Mon Nov 10 14:46:50 EST 2003

Is that only for CW "cut" numbers, or does it also work for RTTY where
100 would be QPP?

And for cut numbers, is it dependent on having the cuts defined in

The more I do with WL, the more I find it'll do.

73, doug

   Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 14:40:27 -0500
   From: Eric Scace K3NA <eric at k3na.org>

   Just type in the letters into any field which is tagged as
   "numeric" in the exchange parameter setup.  WL will convert the cut
   numbers to digit; i.e., ATT becomes 100.

   -----Original Message-----
   From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
   [mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Terry Dunlap
   Sent: 2003 November 10 Monday 12:41
   To: writelog at contesting.com
   Subject: [WriteLog] Serial number in letters

   I forget....how do you convert a serial number received in letters
   to numbers?  Also, how do you have Writelog do it automatically?

   73 de Terry KK6T

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