[WriteLog] W5XD Multi+ and PTT outputs

Nick Lekic ve3ey at rac.ca
Thu Nov 27 18:15:50 EST 2003

Has anyone had any problems keying Mark V via W5XD keyer PTT-L and PPT-R 
outputs?   This is not a software problem as PTT CW is set to "LTP 
Pin16/COMM RTS" in Writelog's "Setup Ports" menu.
Even if I try to key the PTT outputs via Foot Switch plugged into W5XD 
keyer it doesn't work.

CW keying works OK on both CW-L and CW-R outputs.
I measured 5 v across CW OptoIsolator outputs and 13 volts across PTT 
OptoIsolator outputs when CW an PTT is hooked up to the RIG and RIG is 
on stand-by/  
PTT output voltage sinks down to only 10 volts when keyed either via 
foot switch or Writelog.  Seems like not enough current can be drawn 
from OptoIsolators to close Mark V's PTT circuit... or peraps my unit 
has a hardware problem.

I would appreciate any opinion from anyone who has it working. 
73, Nick

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