[WriteLog] QSL Address lables

Fidel Leon ea3gip at ea3gip.net
Mon Oct 6 02:10:48 EDT 2003

At 21:45 05/10/2003, you wrote:

>What is a good way to match call signs with addresses to print out address 
>labels from writelog?

Hi, Richard.

Since some months ago, I have seen many people asking for some kind of 
"general logging" features linked to Writelog.

I've been thinking on linking the callsign entered on-line with a CD-ROM 
database. I did it some time ago for some contests, just to get 
automatically some exchanges (as Writelog already does with CQ Zones).

Anyway, it can be extended to whatever one would need, as getting the 
address from an entered QSO. It would be easy:

         -Reading post-contest a whole Writelog file, and obtaining the QSL 
addresses from a CD-ROM callbook.
         -Obtaining the QSL address on-line,  what could be fine for 
general logging purposes, but maybe a no-no in contests.

For ease (for me hi) the results could be saved to a Comma Separated Value 
(CSV) file, easily imported by many apps, where you could do any format you 
like. Or, of course, I could develop some kind of generic text-based 
formatting: DIN A4 2x11 labels, a few envelope formats (please not too much 

Anybody interested at it, please reply privately.


Fidel Leon - EA3GIP
ea3gip at ea3gip.net

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