[WriteLog] polling/delay issues

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at comcast.net
Mon Oct 27 12:41:11 EST 2003


During cqwwssb, I noticed WL became finicky.  Using the bandmap
to point & click on stations as my primary mode.  It would require
MULTIPLE double clicks to go to frequency.  sometimes, the stn would
land in the logging window, but the radio wouldn't move.

Looked in 'setup' 'ports' and found the pgm was set to poll the omniV
for radios 2 thru 4.  I unchecked the 'poll' option, and the pgm went 
back to normal behavior.   After a while, it started again...and I found
polling checked again.  This time, I changed radio 2-4 types to IC706,
and unchecked poll.  Again, I got a half hour's run before it started 

Running ONE radio..and that option is selected.  

Anyone else have a similar experience?  If not, where do I file bug

OH:  stn is ic756pro + pw1.  WL rev is 10.36, I believe.


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