[WriteLog] New RTTY Callsign database now available

Don Hill AA5AU aa5au at bellsouth.net
Wed Sep 24 21:57:25 EDT 2003

A big thanks to Ed, K4SB, for his tremendous effort in getting this
file done before the "big one" this weekend.  If you want to send
thanks, send it to him.  He does all the work.  If you have a complaint,
send it to me, I have thick skin and just finished listening to all 6 CD's of
"Psychology of Achievement" so I feel like I can take on about anything hi.

Updated RTTY callsign database files are now available at
http://www.rttycontesting.com.  The link to the download is in the
right-hand column on the home page.

The available file is called aa5au_rtty092403.zip.  Inside this zipped
file you will find 4 files:

aa5au_rtty092403.dta used for WriteLog

mstrtty.zip used for other programs such as WF1B, WT4I, etc.

Friend.ini (this is the old friend file from last month)  Ed is working on a new
one.  He promised me he'd have it in time but I'm not promising I'll get it on the
site by game time.  If I have the time I'll make it available as a separate download
before the contest.  No promises on this one.

readme.txt with information about the other 3 files

Enjoy the files.  Have fun in the contest.  I'll see you there!!!

73, Don AA5AU

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