K4SB k4sb at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 26 04:17:04 EDT 2003

Don Hill AA5AU wrote:
> My sincere apologies to all.  The RTTY database released last night did
> not include callsigns of several prominent RTTY contesters.  So a new
> RTTY callsign database has been uploaded to www.rttycontesting.com.

OK, here's the solution to this problem. ALL of the calls in the
master.cal file are
from logs dated no earlier than September of 2002. If your call
doesn't appear, it's simply because you were not in any of the logs I
received. There are also some modifications due to call sign changes
in addition to the 6000+ the program has already
picked up. You 2X3 guys have been busy little beavers in the last 2
years. ( The program is written to only pick up changed calls in which
the old call is not available for
reassignment.) BUT, if you get a new call which just became
assignable, until I decode the FCC database, and that is done every
week, I won't know about it.

I have gotten excellent cooperation from some really great guys,
KH6ND, ZL2AMI, Don of course, GU0SUP, and good old Goetz, + Ari in 4x4
land. On the home front, W0ETC, K4GMH,
K4WW, AA5AU, and a couple of others ( I'm trying to do this from
memory ) are the ONLY
US stations submitting logs to me. We all owe a great deal of thanks
to these guys.

The bottom line is that my program extracts only the call from any log
I receive; it is then merged and duped with the master, and what comes
out is final. On the friend.ini file, these same calls are used. But
in many cases, especially DX in Europe,
getting a first name is really difficult, if not impossible. All too
many Gs have something like a "Mr. DJ Smith". Phil has been especially
helpful filling in these blanks. Lot of the DL calls are in the same
category. At least I now know that DIPL is not a first name. ):>

So it comes down to this. If I don't get logs, the accuracy of the
database declines.
This last one has over 24,000 calls, and of those, over 6000 are newly
issued calls from the logs received in the last year.

So, you all owe a big "thank you" to the guys who submit logs to me.
What I need is more logs so that that "chance" of missing a call is

So, two things, if you really want to help, send me your log. I don't
care if it has only a couple hundred calls. The next is a challenge.
Take 5 minutes and go through your G?, DL, & UA cards, pick 5 at
random, and send me the name and call on the card. Use only cards
which are dated within the last year or which you know are already in
the database.

Again, with reference to the friend.ini file, which I am working on
now, it obviously only uses calls which are in the master. But, I have
to apply filters to the names;
such as Bob for Robert, Ed for Edward, Jim for James, ect. I am stuck
with Michael. I can add a filter changing that to Mike, but I need
direction. If no one complains, I'll add that one, or if you want to
keep Michael, let me know. On both the master and friend files, I add
a hidden character to the end of some names ( unreadable and removed
before Don gets the calls ) In essence, it says DO NOT change this

And please, I know that GU0SUP is Phil.

So, if you want accuracy, help out. So far, I have had 2 emails
correcting the list +
"some prominent calls" are missing. That works out to an error rate of


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