[WriteLog] TQP

Edward Palagyi edkn4y at infionline.net
Sun Sep 28 17:37:52 EDT 2003

I need somw serious assistance. I have the latest version of Writelog. I 
was working the Texas QSP party, out of state.  Writelog was doing fine 
until I worked county 99. Then all hell broke loose. I would enter a call, 
County and get message NEW MULT. I worked the station and hit enter. The 
county  is not shown. I get 10 blank 1. I clicked on the blank spot and 
typed in the coutnty. The 10 and 1 disappeared. I check the multiplier list 
and it is shown worked. I did this for awhile. Then I made a fatal mistake, 
I hit recalculate score and all the new counties from 99 up dissapeared. 
The calls are shown as a DUPE.  My summary shows 249 QSO's worked, I worked 
260. I did not keep a paper log and have no idea what county the mobile was 
in. I lost most of K5OT counties. I now have a log with blanks in the 
county Field with a ?. All marked DUPES. I hope the data is still in the 
program and someone out there can help me get it. My best TQP ever shot 
down by a glitch. AAAUUUGGGHHHH.
Ed KN4Y 

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